Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 5 - 'Off' a lot... Trying not to get injured, injured bad.

Had to take a couple of days off in fear of injuring my calves. Training on a treadmill sucks. It's either I run at night outside on the road in California as the weather is cooling (could get hit by a car or get sick) OR run inside a gym on a treadmill and hurt my knees and tendons. I think my form is the problem though; that and my weight is still a bit high for a "typical distance runner" but I'm working on that. My goal is to hit 165 lbs by the end of January. I really like the treadmills that are at Elizabeth's apartment complex, but driving there everyday can get costly.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday - off
Monday - off
Tuesday - 3 miles @7:10, 7:03, 6:26 (oops)
Wednesday - 4 miles @6:59, 7:19, 7:30, 7:30
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -

Total mileage -

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 4 - Putting in the work!

AM - 30 mile bike ride
AM - 2 miles @ 6:24 pace
PM -  5 miles @ 7:16 pace
Tuesday - Weight day
AM - 2 miles @6:40 pace
PM - 5 miles @7:03 pace
AM - 2 miles @6:56 pace
PM - off (calves sore)
AM - off (calves sore)
PM - 5 miles @7:20 pace (calves still a little sore, felt sluggish)
AM - off (too busy at work)
PM - 5 miles @7:30 pace
AM - off
PM - off

Total mileage - 26 running miles & 30 biking miles

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 3 - Not Sick!

Sunday - off
Monday - 3 miles @7:30 pace
Tuesday - 4 miles @7:30 pace
Wednesday - off
Thursday - 4 miles @7:30 pace
Friday - 4 miles @7:30 pace
Saturday - off

Total mileage - 15 miles

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 2 - Sick...

I was sick and miserable the entire week. I did however do something I've never done before! I actually took time to recover and didn't workout through the sickness! I have a history of working through being sick or an injury and making it worse. Go me!

Sunday - off
Monday - off
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - off
Thursday - off
Friday - off
Saturday - off

Total mileage - 0

Friday, October 8, 2010

The "Half" Gauge...

I would like to compete in the HB Half Marathon before tackling the OC Marathon:

Huntington Beach Half Marathon - Feb 6
Orange County Marathon - May 1

With competing in the half I hope to gain back my racing mentality I lost after High School. I also want to see where I'm at and if I can handle my marathon race pace for half the distance.